“The Vienna-based ensemble, fronted by singer Carina Stockinger, makes bold and emotive alternative melancholy pop. Sometimes appearing in the shape of rousing orchestral ballads, at other moments electronic atmospheres reminiscent of London Grammar.”
de | Adult Pop! Richtig gelesen: Pop, der nicht pubertär, sondern erwachsen sein will. Hoffnungsvoll, aber nicht naiv. Angesiedelt dort, wo die Liebe zählt und die Zuversicht. Schon der Name der Band kündet davon: Hope Will Lead. Die Formation rund um die Sängerin und Songschreiberin Carina Koller-Stockinger hat aus dem trüben Sumpf der Wirklichkeit wieder einen Traum gehoben, der zum Song wurde: „When This Is Over“. Ein Song, der spielen will. Und fliegen. Ein Hoffnungsträger also für das einzig Pure und Wahre, das uns alle verbindet. So schreitet dieser unstille Botschafter mit selbstbewussten Snareschlägen, extrovertierten Synthiewolken und völlig entfesselten Celli voran in eine Welt, die besser sein kann als der Status Quo. Hope Will Lead.
en | Adult Pop! You read that right: Pop that doesn’t want to be adolescent, but adult. Hopeful, but not naive. Located where love and confidence count. Even the name of the band says it all: Hope Will Lead. The formation around singer and songwriter Carina Koller-Stockinger has once again lifted a dream out of the murky swamp of reality and turned it into a song: „When This Is Over“. A song that wants to play. And fly. A beacon of hope for the only pure and true thing that connects us all. This unsilent ambassador strides forward with self-confident snares, extroverted synth clouds and completely unleashed cellos into a world that can be better than the status quo. Hope Will Lead.
VÖ: 10.11.2023 Digital Single MON179DI Vertrieb: Hoanzl Kontakt: monkey.
Wir sind seit Februar 2023 Teil des großartigen Labels monkey. und freuen uns auf den ersten gemeinsamen Release der Single „Lift Me Up“ am 24. Februar 2023. Den Song kann man bereits pre-saven! Hier geht’s zu unserer Artist Page bei monkey.
Since february 2023 we are part of the great label monkey. and are very much looking forward to our first release of the single „Lift Me Up“ on 24 february 2023. You can already pre-save it! Here you can visit our artist page at monkey.
After Carina’s baby break we’re back on track with a new ballad Carina wrote for her son Arthur. Also we will release a nice video done by blackravenpictures! Something to look forward to for all of us <3
In the meantime, please stay tuned and pre-save the song NOW on Spotify! Link goes here
We are now part of the wonderful Label Silvertree Records.
Silvertree is a supportive platform for female fronted bands, hosted by Anne Eck, who is an outstanding artist herself. A new home which feels as such, also because we share the same values.
Produzent: Verein Stream Austria
Regie: Robert Fara
Licht: Michael Artner
Ton: Richard Redl
Visuals: Jascha Süss
Kamera: David Dellefont, Michael Coufal, Michael Hirschhofer, Wolfgang Schmellerl
Wow, our 1st festival appearance is coming up very very soon!!
We are so intensely looking forward to play at Austria’s biggest open air festival this year @ Insel der Menschenrechte! Please mark it in your calendar, we will bring some drama-infused popular music on stage, of course with loads of love & passion as always & we have strings, never forget about that 🙂
For more infos click here! http://hopewilllead.com/live/hope-will-lead-donauinselfest/
or check in on our facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2192664867494009
We had a real blast playing live at Local together with Leelah Sky! Our drummer Lasse is back to London now & will return in May! Until then we’re working on new songs & prepare for some concerts in early Summer! Stay tuned & follow our social channels to stay updated! LOVE, Hope
We’ve put our latest live performance of „In Vain“ on facebook for you all to see & hear. Featuring the fabulous Marco Filippovits on guitar. Let us know your thoughts 💙
What was my business there?! – I announced our live dates & release plans for 2019 & had a nice talk with the hosts & the other guests about our musical ways, goals & views on things 🙂
I will drop the whole show here asap so you can take a listen at any time!